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    Cross Channel Marketing Tactics for Lead Gen

    You've got some great content, offers, and promos to share, but are struggling to find the sweet spot on HOW to contact leads and successfully get in touch with them. This post shares a secret in outbound sales that will change the game.

    Implementing the right outbound sales strategies can help you develop more targeted ways to appeal to your customers and generate sales and leads. It can be a challenge, however, to dial in on exactly what works for your business.

    Outbound sales techniques include any of the following:

    • Making cold calls to a list you own
    • Organizing an SMS (text message) campaign to send out to a list of prospects 
    • Create an email campaign based on the contacts at a trade show you've attended
    • Create a Ringless Voicemail campaign to drop a message in prospect's voicemail box 
    • Send a direct mail piece to a lead list with product specials and new offers 

    On their own, these strategies work effectively, but they can be long, slow plays. What if you choose a few of these strategies and used them simultaneously for a combined approach?

    We give you... Cross channel marketing tactics for lead generation! 

    If the average deal takes 18 phone calls to close, how long would it take if you reach out in a few different ways, instead of just calling or emailing?

    Today's modern consumer wants to be contacted through the channel of their preference. You may call or email every other day the way you should, and hear nothing in response. Why is that? 

    Chances are good this is because your prospects would rather be contacted via another channel, like SMS or Ringless Voicemail, where they can respond at their own leisure. 

    Here are a few blended outbound strategies to implement to your current lead generation plan:

    1. Call & SMS mashup: Prospect misses the call, send a follow-up SMS to keep the conversation going. 

    • "Hey Roger, Michelle here. I wanted to chat with you briefly about a new job opening that I think is perfect for you. Shoot me a text back when you can talk!" 

    2. RVM & SMS mashup: Send out a Ringless Voicemail, then a day or two later, send a follow-up SMS. 

    • Hi Sean, you probably got a voicemail from me yesterday about the sale we're running this week. Shoot me a text if you want more info! 

    3. Call, email to RVM mashup: Make a call, send a follow-up email, drop an RVM.

    • Email: I see you signed up to get more information about the seasonal events happening at the San Diego hotel. Here’s a few links with info and a city guide.
    • RVM: Thanks for inquiring about San Diego hotel events! Respond to this voicemail by calling us back at *your number here* and get 15% off your first booking.
    Want the 411 on the perfect mix of inbound and outbound strategies to amp up your lead generation, build brand awareness and increase revenue?

    Download the Lead Gen eBook with current trends and strategies.  
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