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    Working with a Hands-on partner vs. the other guys: What's the Difference?

    Whatever market or industry you're in, as you shop around for services your business requires, engaging with a company who offers a partnership rather than just a service agreement is something worth considering. We're talking about why in this post.

    There are endless reasons why working with a company who values partnership will help your business grow and scale. Here are a few: 

    1. They'll help you grow, not just cash a check

    Companies who are invested in your business, your team, and your goals are the ones who will help you scale instead of just billing you each month. Pay attention when you're attending demos or discussing your business needs with a sales person to what questions they're asking you and if they're more than surface level. 

    2. They'll help you realize your goals 

    Partnerships can be symbiotic in many cases, where both sides benefit from teaming up. And why not? If it fits and it makes sense, a symbiotic partnership is ideal! In business, working with an outside source can also help you see things from a different perspective; it'll help with goal setting and making decisions, instead of getting into a pattern of doing the same thing over and over. Fresh and interested eyes can see something in a completely different way - and to your benefit!

    3. Not only do they guide you, but they teach you as well

    While you may be in different industries and, a true partner will go out of their way to learn your business and make suggestions where they can. 

    For example: A nonprofit uses a communications company to send SMS messages to its audience. While the communications company may not necessarily know the ins and outs of running a nonprofit, they can evaluate what's currently being done and help make suggestions to improve response rates, overall engagement, and getting more opt-ins. 

    4. They're always available and they actually listen 

    Every partnership has bumps in the road - maybe something goes awry on their end and you feel they fell short in helping you to fix it. Having open conversations about these issues should never feel uncomfortable; they're providing you a service and a partnership, and things happen and can go wrong! A true partnership can move on from these issues and improving from there. 

    5. You have a direct contact (or several) 

    Whether it's the CEO's direct line, or you have a dedicated account manager always on the line - feeling like you have a way to contact someone within the business is important to build trust and ensure productivity. If you're just getting pushed to customer service hotlines when you have real issues arising, there's a bigger problem at stake. 

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