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    Achieving Wellness in the Workplace

    Workplace wellness has evolved into a huge selling factor for job candidates all over the world. While office culture has completely blown up thanks to the Internet and awesome companies like Facebook, Google, Hubspot, Zappos, Amazon and many more... now people can easily distinguish the companies who boast culture, and the ones who are sorely lacking. Workplace wellness isn't something that can be achieved by deciding one day that your business cares about wellness. There needs to be a plan in place, and we're here to show you the way!

    Wellness in the Workplace

    The rising cost in health care and depleting health of people all over the world has brought to light the need for wellness programs in businesses. Implementing wellness in the workplace programs can attract top talent in your industry, keep your employees healthy and productive (less sick days!) and even decrease employee churn. 

    How can you provide wellness for your employees?

    Examples include programs to help employees stop smoking, diabetes management programs, weight loss programs, and preventative health screenings. If your company provides snacks or lunches, make them healthy choices. Let's break it down by category.


    • Provide healthy snacks, beverages, and lunches
    • Offer coffee and tea, and alternative creamers and sugars (such as almond milk or dairy free creamer, and coconut sugar)
    • Offer employees the opportunity to participate in healthy potlucks
    • Offer monthly cooking classes that focus on preparing healthy meals
    • Label foods provided to show serving sizes and nutritional content 

    General Health

    • Encourage employees every 90-120 minutes to stand up from their desks and take a break, walk around, use the restroom, grab a healthy snack from the kitchen, etc. Simply taking a brief break allows your brain to rest and reboot, and can also help prevent that 3pm sleepiness
    • Offer health benefits for your employees that are affordable and easy to manage
    • Keeping feet flat on the floor (as opposed to crossing legs or ankles) actually promotes better posture and a healthier spine, while also sharpening focus and circulation
    • Prevent eye strain and daily headaches by practicing the 20-20-20 rule; every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Give your eyes the break they deserve! 
    • Provide antibacterial hand soap and wipes so employees can clean their workspaces and prevent the spread of germs 

    Physical Health 

    • Offer comped gym memberships
    • Offer preventative health screenings
    • Offer weight management programs
    • Provide standing desks for the employees who want them
    • Offer incentives for those who bike/ walk to work 
    • Encourage walk and talk meetings 
    • Offer group classes or personal training if employees are interested 
    • Support recreation leagues (softball, soccer, etc) and get a team organized
    • Plan monthly outings, like hikes, kickball, or a company-wide 5k

    As you can see, this isn't a light undertaking. Sit with your leadership team and discuss what's possible in a wellness program that is also financially feasible, and prioritize the programs and offerings that employees get excited about and participate in. Get creative! Implementing a wellness program is no longer just a perk... it's something that people feel passionate about and will be on the lookout for during interviews and office visits. If you want to attract the top talent in your industry, get to work on a wellness program today.

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