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    Rethinking the Employee Experience

    Why We Need to Rethink Employee Experience

    When someone says “employee experience,” what do you think of? Personally, I imagine an employee going about daily office life -- what the space looks like, who they encounter, what they work on, how they feel at work-- and all of these components make up their overall “employee experience.” Right?  

    Well, not really. Because if we’re being honest with ourselves, we all know that our experience with our company doesn’t end when we exit the office building. And further, what we experience in our personal lives doesn’t gracefully leave us when we enter the office building. All of this means we have to rethink the “employee experience” by embracing a holistic view.

    I know, it seems like a lofty responsibility (and it is!), but it’s also a great opportunity for growth. By embracing a holistic employee experience, you’re tapping into amazing potential (like healthier, happier employees and untapped skills) and making it more enticing for your team to stick around.

    Here are a few things you can consider as you rethink the employee experience at your company:

    1. Collect ongoing feedback

    Nothing about life these days is slowing down, which means that the circumstances within your company (the market, your customers, the season, etc.) and within your employees’ personal lives are subject to constant change. How an employee feels about your company next month might be entirely different from how they feel today. The only way to really keep up is to actively listen to your team throughout the year; through conversations and systematic feedback. Partner with your leadership team to come up with a feedback schedule. Some options include asking a consistent question each month, alternating among a few questions regularly, or sending a quarterly long-form survey.

    2. Create a healthy workplace

    We all know how stressful it is to try to fit in a workout before work, and how easy it is to skip that workout class after a long day at the office. Instead of separating health and work, look for ways to incorporate wellness into daily office life. Encourage employees to take walking meetings, ditch the donuts for fresh fruit, provide onsite yoga every once in awhile, or start a company running club.

    Not sure where to start? Survey your team about what tweaks would help them maintain a healthier lifestyle in the office, so that wellness becomes integrated within their daily experience. If you’re interested in this topic, check out this webinar recording where we talk about aligning employee well-being with company culture.

    3. Be flexible

    From doctor's appointments to sick pets, we all have responsibilities that don’t patiently wait for you to get home from work. By encouraging flexibility, your team can tend to these responsibilities without feeling like they are “sneaking away.” There are a lot of options to consider, from flextime to remote working, so craft the arrangement that works best for your team. (after all, this is all about being flexible).

    4. Create a family-friendly culture

    I’m not alone when I say that my family plays a key role in many of the decisions I make. Therefore, the more your company takes into consideration employees’ family lives, the more they will consider your company in their future. Host family-friend company events, rework your parental leave policy, and consider offering child care assistance to foster a more family-friendly company culture.

    5. Bring the “outside” in

    One of the first questions anyone gets asked in a social setting is, “What do you do?” followed by “Oh, do you like it?” The way in which someone responds to this question shapes how others think about your company. If the response is negative, then start at step 1 (collect feedback) to understand what’s going on. However, if it’s positive, then tap into your team’s pre-existing social networks to spread the word!

    Write about what it’s like to work at your company, provide friends and family discounts, create a  referral program, host community events, share swag. In other words, make it easy for employees to show off their company pride.

    How has your company embraced a holistic employee experience? Share your thoughts to @CultureIQ -- we’re always listening!

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