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    Power Holiday Promotions with SMS

    With SMS, it’s easy to reach customers with relevant content that can make the time of hustling a breeze. Help your customers get their holiday shopping list complete with the ease of SMS.

    AVG READ TIME: 7 minutes

    When it’s the season for frantic last-minute gift buying and holiday parties, SMS helps customers to plan ahead and get excited about stopping by your store with special offers and promotions. With SMS, it’s easy to reach customers with relevant content that can make the time of hustling a breeze. Help your customers get their holiday shopping list complete with the support of SMS.

    SMS in the Holiday Season

    SMS is a communication channel that the majority of consumers and holiday shoppers understand. Shoppers may ignore the overwhelming influx of holiday TV ads or emails, but a text is much harder to avoid. With mobile phones in the majority of consumers hands, SMS shows an impressive open rate of 98%. By utilizing text message, any brand or business can build a strong ROI around holiday campaigns.

    Between Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Small Business Saturday to Thanksgiving and Christmas, your customers are hearing A LOT of noise about the best deals on tech, toys, subscriptions, etc. It's time to rise above the noise! 

    Don’t let your messages get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Have your customers come to YOU by sending exciting offers that will save them time, money, reduce the stress of the season, and ultimately strengthen the connection between you and your customers.

    What to Offer

    • Discounts & Deals: Time-limited sales on popular holiday specific items
    • Last Minute Shopping Tips: Links to short videos and gift guides
    • Loyalty Program: Redeem extra points for items in the store

    Don’t forget about all the post-holiday buzz! Encourage worn out shoppers with a message they can’t turn down. Notify them of massive markdowns, time sensitive sales, and more. 

    Quick SMS Tips

    1. Keep messages short, brief, and personal
    2. Play fair and keep SMS messages compliant
    3. Personalize as much of the conversation as you can 

    Get your SMS Marketing toolkit here.

    Text campaigns not only inform your customers in more efficient ways, but they also serve as an assistant to holiday shopping. By sending text campaigns this holiday season, you are providing an easy solution for your customers to complete their holiday shopping stress-free. Happy Texting! New Call-to-action