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    Use Social Media to Ramp Up Customer Support

    It's a digital world, we're all just living in it. We've talked in great lengths about the importance of businesses being present online and contributing to the conversation. Using digital platforms like social media is a fool-proof way to monitor the chatter and provide instant customer service and support. Read on for some insight in how your business can leverage social to support customers! Leverage Social Media to Ramp Up Support

    So, how is social helping businesses leverage customer support and also increasing website visits, brand recognition, and general traction all over the web? Consider yourself enlightened! 

    1. Instant Gratification

    Whether your business has a hired specialist specifically for social media moderation or your team handles it, providing an instant response portal for customers is an effective way to problem solve and keep them satisfied with your brand. It's risky to put your business out there on the web, where any angry customer can say whatever they want, but it's even more risky to not have a strategy in place to handle those interactions (both positive and negative). 

    2. Personalization 

    Social media allows your customers to see the personal side of your business, because they're interacting with the people who represent it. This kind of personalization humanizes your brand in ways that are unforgettable. When a customer chats with a member of your team online, whether it's on Facebook or Twitter, they'll remember that exchange as a positive one, rather than being directed to an FAQ page or being asked to submit a ticket to get something solved. Having this small business feel will make your customers feel special and valued, even if you aren't a small business!

    3. Availability 

    Marketers and business owners learn time and time again that they must exist where their customers interact online. Simply put, if your customers are on Facebook, your business should be, too. If they send a tweet with a question or complaint, they expect the response to be on Twitter, not anywhere else. Having dynamic interactions with customers on the platform of their choice can often make the difference between the loss of a customer and a bad review, or solving the issue and keeping the customer. 

    4. Own Your Image

    People complain about companies, bad experiences, and everything in between on social media because they know people are listening (often times, the business itself). Constant monitoring of this chatter allows you to capitalize on complaints as an opportunity to make things right, and to own your brand or company's reputation. Since it's all public, you're promoting your business in a positive light by correcting the mistakes or solving issues. 

    While social media can be a pretty hefty undertaking, it doesn't have to be overwhelming, or a negative experience for your business. By understanding the benefits, the ROI, and the level of support it provides your customers, your team will get on board in no time. 

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